Saturday, August 01, 2020

August Hours

For August, we will be adjusting the stand hours.

Saturday and Sunday 10a - 5p
Monday thru Friday 10:30a - 6p

We're picking our own corn, cukes (big and pickling), beans, tomatoes and so much more.

Local mushrooms are now on our shelves as well.

Plus, we're still carrying the sodas, salad dressing, tomato sauce and pies you remember.

And, we now have a line of chocolates available made with real fruit. That's right... the chocolate covered cherries and cranberries are actual dried cherries and cranberries dipped in delicious chocolate.

Appointments encouraged.  Book on line or by phone.

Sign Up!

(603) 882-4032

Walk-ins welcome. 
But priority in our small stand goes to appointments, so you may have a short wait.